National Black Police Association

NBAP Annual Conference 2024 Agenda

Welcome Event


18:45 Reception

19:15 Welcome to Essex

Drinks and Buffet


23:00 Event Close

Conference Day 1


08:00 Registration

09:00 Conference Opening & Welcome

09:15 Local Policing

09:30 Criminal Justice

09:45 Keynote Speaker

10:15 Ministerial Address

10:45 Keynote Speaker

11:00 Panel Discussion on oversight of police powers

13:30 Keynote – misogyny and racism intersecting

14:00 Ministerial Address

14:15 American Police Reform

15:30 Panel discussion on reform

18:30 Doors

01:00 Carriages

Conference Day 2

09:30 Conference Opening

09:35 Welcome Messages

09:45 Workshop One

11:00 Workshop Two

12:00 Panel Discussion

13:00 Summary and Closing Remarks

13:30 Lunch and Networking

Conference Close

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